
Click here for the Course Catalog

Middle School 

General CoursesMusic EnsemblesSpecial 7th/8th Grade Electives
All students take Reading/English, Social Studies, Science, Mathematics (including Algebra 1 for 8th graders), Music Theory/Choir, Music Technology, and Physical Education.Middle School Orchestra, String Ensemble, Middle School Concert Band, Middle School Wind Ensemble and Swing Band(offered on a rotating basis) include Art, Theatre, Literature, Science Exploration, Math Enrichment, and Creative Writing

High School Program of Studies

9th Grade10th Grade
*Music: Choir/Music Theory
*History: World History
*Math: Algebra 1; Geometry
*Language: Spanish 1
*English 1
*Science: Biology
1 Music Ensemble or Elective course**
*Music: Choir/Music Theory
*History: African American History
*Math: Geometry; Algebra 2
*Language: Spanish 2
*English 2
*Science: Chemistry (Honors offered); Environmental Science
*Physical Education/Health
1 Music Ensemble or Elective course**
11th Grade12th Grade
*Music: Choir AND choice of music elective (offered on a rotating basis)
*History: American History (Honors offered)
*Math: Algebra 2, Pre-Calculus
*English 3
*Science: Physics (Honors offered); *Environmental Science
*2 credits of Music Ensemble or Elective course
*Music: Choir AND choice of music elective (offered on a rotating basis)
*History: Social Science
*Math or Science: Pre-Calculus, Calculus
*English 4
*Senior Project
*3 credits of Music Ensemble or Elective course

**Music Ensembles: Concert Choir (audition required), Orchestra, Concert Band, Jazz Band

**Electives/AP Courses:

  • Music (offered on a rotating basis/student interest): AP Music Theory, Piano Lab, Music Business, Music Technology, Theatre, Composition, Music History
  • Other subject areas (offered on a rotating basis/student interest): Public Speaking, Physical Education/Health, Spanish 3, Environmental Science, Personal Finance
  • AP Courses: Statistics, Science, US History, English, Music Theory

(Any electives are based on teacher availability. Additionally, some AP courses are offered every year, while others alternate – see course catalog for more information)