Staff Directory

Please allow 48 hours for a staff member to reply to your emails and calls. Saturday and Sunday do not count into the calculation (for example, an email sent to a teacher at noon on a Friday has until noon the following Tuesday for a response). Some questions may be answered by visiting other pages of our school website. Thank you for your understanding with these requests.

Title and First NameLast NameEmail (
Mr. BrianBakerbbakerMath Department
Ms. JoanneBeaverjbeaverPrincipal
Ms. JennaBrowerjbrowerCounselor
Mr. DavidBrowndbrown11History Department
Ms. LindsayCarneylcarneyMusic Department (Choral)
Ms. CatherineCarselloccarselloMath Department
Ms. AllexusColeacole2-extBuilding Substitute teacher
Ms. Laura AnneDeCarloldecarloSpecial Education
Mr. ChrisDeFelicechdefelicePhysical Education
Mrs. DominiqueDeSilvadperezMusic Department (Choral)
Mr. DavidDworanczykdedworanczykSpecial Education and Athletic Director
Mrs. LaurenEsserylesseryCounselor
Ms. StephanieFerriolasferriolaSpecial Education
Mr. JasonHendersonjehendersonScience Department
Ms. MaggieHennessymhennessyHistory Department
Ms. CayleyHoffmanchoffmanGrade 7 English
Mr. MacHolcombmtholcombMusic Department (Instrumental) and Music Coordinator
Mr. LukeHoltjelholtjeHistory Department
Ms. DayonnahJohnsondjohnsonstibbinsSecretary
Mr. ElmoreJohnsonejohnson5Grade 7 Math
Ms. RickiKamperrmkamperGrade 8 English
Mr. ChristopherLarkinclarkinScience Department
Ms. EricaLeeemleeMath Department
Mr. JohnMacorettajmacorettaGrade 6 Science & Social Studies
Mr. NicholasMehalicknmehalickEnglish Department
Mrs. KatherineMorricekmorriceSpanish Instructor
Ms. DanielleNoorlander-QuaindnoorlanderquainNurse
Mrs. MarissaOrtizmpecarskyMath Department and Roster Chairperson
Ms. KayleePirrungkpirrungSecretary
Ms. ElizabethPowerselpowersGrade 6 Math
Mrs. LeahReedldeloachGrade 5 ELA
Mrs. SharonRenzsrenzGrade 6 ELA
Mrs. AileenRimando-JacksonarimandoMusic Department (Instrumental)
Mr. JaredRuddickjruddickScience Department
Mr. StevenSabassabaGrade 5 Math
Mr. SebiSantiago-RivasssantiagorivasMusic Department (Choral)
Mr. FredSockwellfsockwellPhysical Education
Mr. CameronStringhamcstringhamMusic Department (Choral) and Website Manager
Ms. JanetTaylorjgoffetaylorClimate Manager
Mr. CaseyThomascasthomasGrade 8 Math
Mr. EricWeingartenerweingartenEnglish Department
Ms. DiamondsWhaleydwhaleyGrade 5 Science & Social Studies