It is extremely important for all students to be on time for school and for all class periods throughout the day. Whereas the administrative team realizes that anyone may be late or absent for a valid reason on a particular day, chronic absenteeism will result in a return to the student’s neighborhood school.
This policy is as follows:
- Students are required to present valid absence excuse notes written by parent or guardian upon their return to school after any absence. Absence notes must be submitted within 3 days of the absence to the student’s advisor.
- Students absent more than 3 consecutive days must present an excuse note from a medical doctor.
- Please be advised that a note from a medical doctor is required for all student absences after 9 consecutive or non-consecutive absences for illness during the school year. Please refer to the School District of Philadelphia attendance policy posted on the district’s website.
- Students arriving after 10:00 am or leaving before 12:45 PM will be marked absent for ½ day.
- All students must have swiped into the building by 7:45 AM
- All students must be in their 1st Period CLASS by 7:47 AM
- Any excused lateness will be subject to review by the Principal.
- Students who are late for school without an approved late note could face disciplinary consequences.
*Please note that early dismissals will NOT be granted after 2:15pm, in order for staff members to prepare for dismissal at the end of the school day. Please plan accordingly, and thank you for your understanding!
It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to maintain current records on their student’s emergency contact form – students will only be released to individuals whose information has been provided on this form.
Requests for early dismissals should be submitted to the main office one day prior to the day being requested for early dismissal. The following procedure must be followed for excused early dismissals to be granted:
Any student requesting an early dismissal must be picked up by a parent/guardian or their designee as indicated on the emergency contact card (a responsible adult over the age of 21 years)
Some examples of valid reasons for early dismissals are:
- Participation in religious observances
- Attendance at a funeral observance
- A family crisis or emergency
Standard medical and dental check-ups should be scheduled after school hours. It is imperative that this procedure be strictly adhered to in order to respect the integrity of instructional time.