Academic and Ethical Integrity


Students at GAMP are expected to exhibit honesty and integrity in all of their actions. Learning requires that students be responsible for their own work at all times. Cheating, plagiarism, inappropriate use of any technology (cell phones, internet, etc.), and other violations of the Academic Integrity Policy may result in serious disciplinary consequences.

Morally, it assumes that all people at GAMP will treat each other with civility and courtesy in every interaction whether it be in school or at an out of school activity. Discriminatory or prejudicial behavior is not part of the expected actions of a GAMP student. Foul/obscene language is not to be used in any place or in any interaction. Simply, always treat yourselves and others with dignity and respect.

Examples of cheating:

● Copying work or allowing another student to copy your work for any assignment/assessment, whether verbally, in written form, or electronically.

● Plagiarism

● Presenting collaborative work as individual work/claiming collaborative work without individual effort.

● Fabricating data, information, or sources.

● Using unauthorized help; this may include answer keys in textbooks, SparkNotes or similar, calculator programs, translators, help from tutors, parents, classmates, apps, websites, etc.

● Use of an unauthorized device or use of a device at an unauthorized time

● Any form of communication with anyone else during an assessment.


● Student will receive a zero for the assignment

● Incident reported to the Dean and potentially to universities

● Detentions, Suspension, Expulsion (determined by the Dean, depending on infraction(s))

● Exclusion from academic awards, honors, scholarships and prizes.

● Loss of privileges