Parent/Teacher Conferences for GAMP will be held on March 29-31 from 12:45-2:45pm.
Students will be dismissed at 11:49am on these days.
All conferences must be by appointment. “Walk-in” meetings are discouraged.
Parents have the choice of coming to the school building or meeting with the teacher through a video call, but at a scheduled time.
In order to accommodate all families who have academic concerns, we respectfully request that parents only schedule a conference for classes that their student(s) may be struggling with.
CLICK HERE to be taken to the teachers’ sign-up sheets.
If your teacher’s sessions are full, please email them from the Staff Directory page.
Special note for 6th grade families: Conferences for 6th grade are pre-scheduled and instructions are being sent home with the students.
Parents who are NOT pre-scheduled for a conference may request one by contacting the 6th grade teachers and agree upon a mutual time.
Special note for a Choir/Vocal Music conference: Do not sign up with the teacher listed on the report card. Instead, ask your student which voice part they are, and register on that teacher’s sign up page. Conferences for choir/vocal music may be attended by additional members of the choral staff.
SOPRANO – Mrs. DeSilva
ALTO – Ms. Ristine (Mr. Stringham for 5th and 6th grade)
TENOR – Mr. Stringham (Mr. Santiago-Rivas for 5th and 6th grade)
BASS – Mr. Santiago-Rivas