Parent/Teacher Conferences

Parent/Teacher Conferences for GAMP will be held on January 30th and 31st from 12:45-2:45pm. There will also be an evening session from 5-7pm on January 30.

Students will be dismissed at 11:49am on these days.

All conferences must be by appointment. “Walk-in” meetings are discouraged.

Parents have the choice of coming to the school building or meeting with the teacher through a video call, but at a scheduled time.

In order to accommodate all families who have academic concerns, we respectfully request that parents only schedule a conference for classes that their student(s) may be struggling with.


Special note for 6th grade families: Conferences for 6th grade (Homerooms 206 and 208) are pre-scheduled and instructions are being sent home with the students.
Parents who are NOT pre-scheduled for a conference may request one by contacting the 6th grade teachers and agreeing upon a mutual time.

If a teacher’s link is unavailable or all of their appointments are full, please email them to discuss options.